Monday, March 25, 2024

The State of the Union... of the World.

Unsustainable Government Business Model That Causes Society to Collapse

Create a Capitalist society with very few regulations. 
Lots of people go into business selling unregulated things, like snake oil, to make a profit. 
Create food and body care products that are pleasing and addicting, but a little bit toxic. 
Get the population to buy these products in mass, making their use normal and commonplace.
Create lots of people with mild chronic illnesses because the food and products they use aren't quite healthy enough to sustain their health. 
More people need medical care. Insurance is invented to help people pay for medical care.
Doctors are well intentioned, but their education is very limited to one area so they don't see the whole picture of health. 
Doctors are primarily taught how to sell medications, not how to heal people. 
Lots of people buy medications that only manage symptoms of illnesses as long as patients continue to take them regularly. 

People become addicted to drugs without improving their health.
More people get a little bit sick and more babies are born with health issues. 
The entire Capitalism system relies on people buying things, so more people go into businesses selling food and products without enough safety regulations. Businesses invent things people don't need, then advertise why everyone needs them and shame people who don't use them (like fabric softener or air fresheners.)

More people start to complain of new health issues from using these products, like allergies and eczema.
More drugs are produced to sell to people for a wider range of health complaints. 
People with illnesses realize they're not getting healthier, and their insurance only helps them get discounts on doctors that just give them drugs that don't fix the root causes of their health problems. They grow frustrated with how much money they're spending on health care, with not enough money left from their paychecks to buy food and products that don't make them sick enough to need doctors.
"Health and wellness" businesses pop up that teach people how to prevent getting sick, because that's where people are willing to spend money. People don't want to see doctors anymore because they don't help.
People listen to "alternative advice" to try and reclaim their health, such as: exercise as much as you can (until you injure yourself,) avoid salt for your heart (your heart requires salt,) stop eating meat because it's bad for your blood (your blood is built off all nutrients in meat,) and start buying and eating synthetic and ultra processed foods like protein bars and shakes because it's better than nature could provide for you (and creates a lot of profit for big businesses.)
Companies pervert vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. They make them as cheap as possible to produce without caring if they're effective, then thrive on selling you these synthetic vitamins that are promoted as "natural." (Because the word "natural" has no regulation.)
More people than ever are feeling sick, fatigued, and weak. They discover that their synthetic vitamins are not solving deficiencies in their blood work, and they start developing new problems from taking them, such as nerve pain or kidney stones. 
Chronic illnesses become more severe and more common, and more people can't work due to them. People have less money, less trust in doctors, and less clarity on how to improve.
Good honest people who aren't interested in money, but are interested in fixing the problem start going into business: Naturopathic doctors, functional medicine doctors, holistic nutrition coaches, food and environmental researchers, farmers that learn better ways, etc. They are successful in helping people heal and get better, as long as people can afford them.

Doctors who actually know what they're doing stop accepting insurance that we're forced to pay for, because insurance dictates how they treat patients and these doctors know better. The wealthy have access to real medical help.
Food businesses pop up based on the research, such as organic and regenerative agriculture produce with sustainable healthy practices. It's more expensive than the unhealthy food that dominates the market, so not everyone can afford it. People who can afford it start eating a lot better and feeling a lot better. They stop buying food from anyone else and avoid buying any products they don't trust.
Big megacorporations start to buy out these small successful doctors and business. Then private equity groups manage all the finances of the megacorporations. Now many of the good food companies are generating money for the people who made food toxic in the first place. 
More and more people start to wake up and realize that the whole system is rigged to keep them sick and only generate profits for the megacorporations and private equity groups. 
More and more people lose sight of the meaning of life while in this Capitalistic society. Some start to fight back and start their own farms to live off of. Others give up and commit suicide. Others go on feeling really depressed and unhappy in life, losing themselves in mindless pleasures until they die. 
Fewer and fewer people are able to find jobs that treat them like humans, especially people with chronic illnesses who can't keep up with demands, and fewer and fewer people are able to earn enough money to keep up with the inflation that comes as a result. 
Too many people stop having babies because they're not affordable or the parents aren't healthy enough. 
People with good intentions try to create new ways to help people have babies, such as IVF, but it goes against many religions and it's too expensive for many people. It also doesn't always work.

 So then the population declines drastically. Most of the remaining population fights some type of chronic illnesses, to varying degrees of severity. People don't have the energy to fight back, and people are way too confused to know what to do about it.
Lots of businesses go out of business. People don't care. They didn't have the money to shop anyway.
Education goes out of business. People don't care, because they didn't like paying for what they were teaching anyway. 
There are fewer and fewer doctors and lawyers, because fewer people are educated. There are fewer businesses, so people are forced to buy only what's available from people who are already super rich. Because only the super rich have what they need to run businesses. 
Eventually society reaches a breaking point that causes societal collapse. People must start over and rebuild with new direction, other people invade and take our lands, or people give up and die. 
Life goes on, forcing people to start over fresh.

What could have prevented this fate? Respect for your fellow human. Businesses should have always been conducted with respect for life and health, but instead they viewed people as cash cows to be milked dry. Health is a businesses model, not a human right. 

I left out a lot of factors, such as the power of distraction, slavery, unfair trade due to globalization, housing businesses models, and more.

I believe it's too late to fix the problem. There's no way to turn this sinking ship around without sinking us even faster. We're going to sink. There's already a ton of water rushing in. 

I'm not scared, though. This isn't a source of worry for me. I am of the opinion that everything needs to fall apart. We need to fail. And then we need to learn from our mistakes and start over. Look at all the previous empires that have fallen. Their collapses were not the end of the world. People always start over. 

The problem now is a little more complicated. The world is globalized and we have been depleting the resources. If one country goes down, it affects the rest of the world. We've managed to turn way too much soil into desert that food cannot grow on, so if we start over we're going to have to heal the land first. It won't be easy. But humanity will survive and we'll start over. Unless the next great mass extinction wipes out humanity - there have been a few mass extinctions that killed around 80% of life on earth before we came to be. It could happen. It's not out of the question. Nuclear war is possible too. Or bacteria that is antibiotic resistant grows in our guts and kills us all from the inside out. Or deadly mold (or mushrooms) grows on everything and chokes us out. It's all possible. Life is fickle. 

Until then, how in the world are people like me supposed to survive? I'm not healthy enough to make enough money to keep up with inflation and demands. I could try to lean to invest and live off dividends - who wants to help me learn? Of course, that means I'd be investing in evil practices that I don't support, but I hey, I need money. But in the end, my health is pretty bad and it's become difficult to enjoy living. I must find direction to help me live as happily as possible. 

What do I want out of life? I should just focus on that, right? Love and children. All I want is a family to live for. I'm really happy doing work that makes people's lives better too, such as working in a local, regenerative food system that makes food that is actually nutritious and heals the land. I need the energy for it, obviously, but I'll do whatever part I can. But it all feels really lonely without a family to love. And I have not been blessed with children, nor do I have the energy... in fact doctors have told me not to get pregnant because my body is too weak to handle it. 

More and more people are thinking like me. I've talked to so many people with chronic illnesses who are so jaded and have no faith in the medical system. More and more people are telling me they don't see the point in trying. 

People are losing faith in the meaning of life because evil profits the most.
People are tired of living for the benefit of evil. 

What!? But he's that conspiracy theorist who is anti-vaxx right!? Hmmm... is he more of a conspiracy theorist than Trump, or is he actually fact-based? Yes, any man who claims that people have been lied to and wants to tell you the truth will always sound like a conspiracy theorist. The difference is that Kennedy is a highly successful lawyer who has fought against megacorportations like Monsanto and won on the ground that they cause harm to people. He actually knows company secrets, works with actual scientists, and is fact-based. He was a democrat, but is running as an Independant now. I actually have some hope for our future if he wins the election, and he's polling very very well. If Trump or Biden win I will carry on without much hope... until it's impossible to carry on because everything collapses. 

We have to be brave enough to want the truth, not to be submissive slaves to a system that "takes care of us" by sending our tax dollars to the other countries without addressing problems at home. You think Trump will take care of us common folk? Ha! He is jealous that he hasn't been part of a war yet. War boosts the economy too, you know. But it won't solve any problems. 

I'm not telling you to "wake up" because that implies you've been sleeping. No one has been sleeping, but many people have been comfortable in their own biases. Including me. I'm telling you to be open to new ways of thinking, look beyond your biases, and accept reality for what it is instead of what you want it to be. 

U2 - Cailfornia (There Is No End To Love)

I've seen for myself
There's no end to grief
That's how I know
Whoa, that's how I know
And why I need to know that there is no
Yeah, there is no end to love

U2 - Sleep Like a Baby Tonight

Hope is where the door is
When the church is where the war is
Where no one can feel no one else’s pain

Muse - Uprising

Paranoia is in bloom
The PR transmissions will resume
They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down
And hope that we will never see the truth around

Moby - Dark Days ft. Lady Blackbird

If you stay you're gonna go
Underneath down below
So I'll fly
Fly away
From the apocalypse

David Byrne & St Vincent - Who

Who is an honest man?
Who is an honest man?

And just for a good laugh (because it's supposed to be ridiculously over the top... don't take the bad language seriously, it's a joke in the spirit of how serious the world is now):

Muse - We are Fucking Fucked

You really believe
We can survive all of this
The black vacuum of the universe
It was designed
To swallow us whole
It's a losing game

We're at death's door
Another world war
Wildfires and earthquakes I foresaw
A life in crisis, A deadly virus
Tsunamis of hate are gonna find us...Ahh
We are fucking fucked... Ahh
We are fucking fucked

We're at deaths' door
Another world war
Wildfires and earthquakes I foresaw
A life in crisis, Mutated virus
Tsunamis of hate are gonna drown us... Ahh
We are fucking fucked... We are fucking fucked

Just when you think
You are safe and secure
You'll forget what you need to remember
Living in peace
But you're living a lie
The game is rigged

We're at deaths' door
Another world war
Wildfires and earthquakes I foresaw
A life in crisis, Mutated virus
Tsunamis of hate are gonna drown us
Ahh... We are fucking fucked
Ahh... We are fucking fucked

Hole up
Hoard up
We are getting fucking fucked

Ahh... We are getting fucked
Ahh... We are getting fucked

Hey, hey, hey, fuck off
Hey, hey, hey, stockpile
Hey, hey, hey, fuck off
Hey, hey, we are getting fucking fucked

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