Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Power of Doing Your Face

I just went through a rather long and particularly symptomatic PMS. Normally at this time I start to feel a ton of relief from all that, but I didn't take my pills for 1.5 weeks and I'm only taking the bare minimum to get by for the last 3 days. My face has become a total disaster through this. Very dry acne ridden skin with mild rashes, and total lack of color. It's still that way, even though it should be recovering well by this point, but I'm still just as dehydrated and exhausted from my lack of pills.

Want to see a cool trick?

I painted concealer on one eye and not the other, can you tell which one?

My camera doesn't do the best job with capturing details, so I look better here than the mirror showed me. But you can see what I'm talking about.

That's the power of make up. I do this every time I need to go out so that people treat me normally. I don't want people to think, "Oh, she's not looking her best." or "Is she on something?" I've learned that people treat you with less esteem when you look like you're not feeling well. They can treat you like you need extra care, that you're not as high functioning as other "normal" people, or like you're someone who does drugs and they show less trust in you. I've experienced it. When I wear my make up people treat me normally, like they don't need to treat me any differently from the next high functioning person. I'm not accusing everyone of doing this, but many do.

So I wear make up. I did it quickly without much detail work, put on a thin layer, skipped the lip products so I could eat, and used copper eye shadow to blend in the redness if it starts to show through:

Just think about how you treat people based on how well they took care of their face that day. Thanks. :)

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