I'm kidding, but this is a fun fact about myself!
I'm writing this now to say that I'm not sure how to write about my results at this point in time. They are partly what I expected, but mostly a surprise: I do NOT have any MTHFR mutation. I do have 7 other mutations that geneticgenie.org was able to find, and they don't interpret all DNA.
I've been reading the research that's available to learn about my mutations, but there's one massive problem: the research that's available is limited and very new. Genes are extremely complicated, and even the leading researchers are debating about the findings and how to interpret them. MTHFR is the most understood gene, but that's not the one concerning me.
There is enough quality research on a couple of my mutations, but I am not going to report them... yet. Again, it's a very complicated issue - more so than I realized before getting my results.
I'm bursting at the seams with questions about my results, but I'm not ready to share them yet. :)
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