Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Health Requires a Moral Compass to Achieve

I'll start with a recipe for relaxing sun tea:
Fill a tea sachet with equal parts lemon balm, hibiscus, and orange peel until full. 
Put it in a mason jar and fill with filtered water. 
Add allulose to taste. (Optional - sweeteners are not necessary.)
Put it in the sun for several hours. 
Drink it warm from the sun, or put it in the fridge and enjoy iced tea! 

Note: Hibiscus is a very potent flower, and it's not healthy for everyone. It lowers blood pressure and has the power to delay a period or make you bleed extra. I drink it only at the beginning of my cycles away from my periods, otherwise it does mess with my delicate hormones. I cannot drink it when my blood pressure is low, which is frequently. The issue is that I LOVE the flavor! Ha! 

Now onto the post... this one is more philosophical. 

Health is something determined by the mind, body, and soul all working together in unison. If the mind isn't healthy, the soul will be stunted, and the body will not be able to thrive. If the body is not healthy, the soul will ache for the ability to use the body to grow, and the mind will be stunted and held back by physical limitations. If the soul isn't healthy, the mind and body will not find meaning in existence and will stunt the growth of both. All three want to grow in unison. If the mind isn't healthy, the body and soul will strive to get the mind back on track. If the body isn't healthy, the mind and soul pour all their energy into regaining physical health. If the soul isn't healthy, the mind and body both ache and strive for meaning and purpose to feed the soul back to health. 

This is why health is not determined only by things such as your blood pressure, psych eval, or if you go to church. But it is why finding a community that brings your soul peace can lower your blood pressure and encourage a better mental attitude. 

This is why health starts with a good upbringing in a stable family, receiving a quality education, having the opportunity to learn and practice skills, and being loved unconditionally. 

This is why relationships in adulthood either grow our health or poison our health. If you choose a partner that grows with you in love and purpose, your mind, body, and soul all have the fuel they need to be healthy. If you choose a partner that always questions you, discourages you, takes from you instead of giving to you, and abuses your love or commitment then your mind, body, and soul stay stagnate and cannot grow. Health cannot be stagnated, because it must stay in motion along with the process of aging. 

This is why it's necessary to learn how to maintain our health. We must learn the skills of love, empathy, emotional intelligence, spiritual servitude to all of creation, and integrity in order to live a healthy life and inspire health in others. We must learn to be physically active in creation in order to fulfil our purpose and create the connection to creation that our souls rely on. Our bodies need food, sun, water, and fresh air to be healthy. Our minds will wander without direction unless we are connected to healthy communities of people and living in harmony with creation. 

We cannot be individuals. Not really. We own our minds, bodies, and souls, yes. We own our choices, yes. But our existence depends on each other, and our health is determined by each other. If you own land, you impact the health of the surrounding land other people live on. If you drive a car, you impact the air other people breathe in. If you eat food, you poop it out and that impacts the soil or waterways (for better or worse, ha!) If you lose weight, it evaporates into the air other people breathe. You really cannot fully isolate yourself from others, and your actions have an impact on everyone else. 

That's why there are always ripple effects from your choices. Make the ripple a good vibration that helps others live their best lives too. 

This is why we build strong moral compasses: we recognize the impact of our actions on other people, and in turn how our actions affect our own health. 

Life is difficult. It really is. None of this is easy. It's really difficult to live in harmony with ourselves, others, and all of creation. We develop ambitions that blind us to the needs of others. We don't grow past childhood, when all that mattered was living to be happy and carefree. We hold onto anger against people who caused injustice, and we confuse passion for retaliation with that spiritual purpose we all need for healthy growth. We learn not to trust each other, so we close ourselves off to the connection with others that helps our souls to grow. We learn to focus on meeting our own needs to survive, meaning we never develop the skill of love for others, meaning we fail our relationships, and in turn fail our children. Our children are not born into environments where they learn what it means to be healthy, nor given the skills to achieve health in the mind, body, and soul. Life is very very difficult. 

What I see in our current post-modern civilization is a globalized world led by people who learned how to achieve ambitions, but have not learned the skills needed to be a loving and connected person. How can our leaders be mentally or spiritual healthy when they lost sight of how to connect with others? How can a person in poor mental and spiritual health led others?

I believe this is why we have so many broken families. I believe this is why we created an economy that relies on every individual person working full-time, instead of focusing on building families that raise our children. I believe this is why we created a society that has no problem with slave labor, keeping people in poverty, and feeding everyone very low-quality unhealthy food. As a result, the birth rate is plummeting. The health of people, especially those in the USA, is dramatically plummeting. Haven't we learned that humans only thrive in communities? If we don't take care of each other and instead we continue to exploit each other, then we're not going to be able to maintain the civilization we built because there won't be enough humans left to do it. 

But it's not easy. It's not something we can simply fix. 

The most powerful thing you can do to help restore the health of fellow humans is to be healthy yourself. Make a commitment to your own health. Start with the foundation: love your family by always encouraging the best for them, choose healthy foods and time in nature for your own body, and stop losing your mind to all the distractions that don't help it grow. Be the change you want to see the in the world. Humans thrive on community, but it takes healthy individuals to create community. 

I know, without a doubt, that my physical illnesses are impacted by the people I choose to invest in. Yes, I get tired and need to rest after laughing with people I love, but it feeds my soul and I feel at peace while I recover. When I'm instead drained by poor interactions, such as arguments or listening to complaints from unhealthy people, I have to protect my mind and soul from the corruption while I recover, which leaves me more tired and takes me longer to recover from. When I feel attacked and disrespected, I feel myself growing very icy cold, my fingers and toes get numb, my throat grows hoarse, my vision blurs and I get tunnel vision (literally in my sight, not in my thoughts), my teeth clench and it's very hard to open them to speak, my gut gives me really sharp pains, and more. All my physical health issues intensify, and then I have to recover for a long time from that. This is why I'm extremely careful about who I choose to spend time with. This is why I give my energy to people really carefully. But when I'm with my people and I'm feeling connected and happy, it's so much easier to endure my chronic illnesses. Seriously, it's really incredible. 

We have to love each other. We have to develop moral compasses. We have to make choices that only feed the health of all of creation. We have to learn about each other and how nature works. We have to make educated choices to make moral choices. If we don't collectively do this as a society, we're going to fail each other. 

I know I'm guilty of complaining a lot based on my anger that people don't choose to be better. I have to learn how to be better, that's where I need all of you to teach me too. We all have to be the change we want to see in the world. We have to put out the vibrations other people need to grow on, because we're going to vibrate simply just by existing. Choose healthy growth for everyone over preventing others from healthy growth to feed your own ambition or emotions. 

I really love people, and it really hurts me to see people ruin each other because they don't know how to be healthy. I don't want to live behind a bubble to protect myself. I want to be a part of this world reclaiming health, love, families, and true joy from the connection with creation. 

Now I'm quite tired, but I'm going to go sit in my sauna because I feel my blood stagnating too much. Then I'll relax and recover for the rest of the day. 

Inhaler - If You're Gonna Break My Heart 

(This is Bono's son, Eli Hewson. This is his band. He looks like Bono and occasionally sounds really similar to Bono. This brings me a lot of joy, haha.) 

We woke up faded
From the shape of the night
Couldn't find the words
Couldn't find the light
We got caught in the tide
And the shore was on the other side
There's no other way around up or down
When the sun shines on my insides

If you're gonna break my heart
Smash it to pieces
'Cause I'm not gonna need it
As much as I do right now
Right now, ooh

I showed you mercy
You gave me murder
I got your ten tonne monkey
Jumpin' up on my back
We got caught in the ride
Of bein' young and alive
There's no other way around up or down
But some nights, yeah, that's alright

If you're gonna break my heart
Smash it to pieces
'Cause I'm not gonna need it
As much as I do right now

Say what you're gonna say anyway
Nothing really means as much as you do
I should be on my way but I can't help
Waitin' for you

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