Some highlights:
- I didn't sleep much.
That pretty much sums it up!
Okay, but in all seriousness:
Sleeping pills didn't help. Being totally exhausted from several nights in a row of losing sleep over hives didn't help. I didn't sleep for the first 3 hours. I couldn't get comfortable. My rash on my ankle woke me up when I was finally sleepy. There was too much light and too much noise. I felt alert the whole night, like I was waiting for the next instruction. I feel like that at home regularly though. I don't ever want to have to do this again, as that was not at all fun trying to sleep and failing at it for hours.

This rash drove me nuts! I was worried I might get told I have to reschedule because of my hives. I was given the option. But the itching has gone down so much that I decided to just go for it. Except for this rash. I think it got worse during the study. I am sure I would have slept maybe 30 minutes more if this didn't bother me so much at 4:30 am.

I won't get my results for 1 to 2 weeks, so I can't tell you. What I can tell you is that my Oura Ring gave me a low sleep score, showing my heart rate never lowered below 80 during the study. (The Oura Ring is not good at determining if I'm actually sleeping or not. It thinks laying in bed with my eyes closed means I'm sleeping. It cannot detect if I'm awake when I'm laying still, so these results are not the reality of how long I slept. It also only shows me as awake when I physically move, not open my eyes. I opened my eyes and remained still a lot during the study.)

I was worried about being reactive, and I was. I have rashes where the wire pads and glue were. They're not awful - not as bad as my hives have been. But my skin is not a fan of this stuff.

Getting that glue out of my hair was not nearly as challenging as I was told it would be. The lab tech advised me to use conditioner in my hair first, then use hot water to shampoo it all out. That might work, but I didn't try it. I soaked in a bath that was as hot as I could tolerate. I filled it with baking soda and epsom salts. It took about 15 seconds of soaking my hair in this bath water for the glue to come out. No problem! But after I scrubbed all the glue residue off I had to drain the bathwater so I wasn't soaking in it.

I'm pretty sure my hair is thinning out. Sigh.
I don't really know what the sleep study is going to show. I'll find out in a week or two!
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