First and foremost, I'm extremely careful about the make up that I use. The brands that I like best (that I've tried) are Lauren Brooks Cosmetiques, specific products from Mineral Fusion (their liquids contain dimethicone, which I don't tolerate, but their powders are great), and MyChelle (which I'm not linking to because they discontinued their make up line - which is such a shame!) These brands are very careful about their ingredients, upholding strict standards. Their missions are to be truly non-toxic, mineral and flower based make up. They're also fragrance free!
Secondly, I'd like to give you some picture examples:
This is me without make up, after washing my face and moisturizing (with Badger's Unscented Face Oil):

This is me after applying Mineral Fusion's pressed powder foundation, eye liner, and mascara:

The make up makes me look a lot more alive and healthy, right? Okay, I'm super pale and I'm wearing my summer shade of foundation, lol! I'm out of my winter shade. I can't hide the eye bags with eye make up, but I can distract from them and reduce their appearance. That's worth a lot to me. When I'm at work or with friends or with family, I'd rather them not see just how tired I really am. I like to fool people into thinking I'm normal. I'll be very open and honest here on this blog, but in person, I want to look and act my best. It makes me feel better; it makes me feel like I have more energy than I do simply by looking the part.
I also don't wear make up every day. I pretty much only put it on on work days (3 days a week) or when my husband has a performance I'm able to attend.
I'd actually encourage those of you struggling with chronic fatigue to do this every once in a while. Put on some fun clothes, do your make up and hair, and enjoy the way you look. You have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself. Don't do it to make a statement. Do it for you - remind yourself how you can look and be. If you let the fatigue rule you, you'll start to give in to it and let it determine how you always feel. I know, I know. You don't feel like putting the effort into it. Believe me, I know! But when you're feeling slightly better than usual, go for it! You need to remember who you would be if you were not sick.
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