*Please forgive formatting issues in this post - Blogger makes it very difficult to align photos and there are spacing problems I can't seem to control.*
I recently won a a give-a-way from Lauren Brooke Cosmetiques of these Color Fusion Lip Glaze samples. I agreed to try them out and review them.
Lauren Brooke Cosmetiques is all about natural and organic beauty products, and I've been impressed with their ingredients. I have been curious to try their products for a while, and so I'm thankful I have the opportunity to try out their lip glaze!

Review of the lip glaze itself, not the color:
I don't wear lip colors very often because they tend to feel either dry and heavy or slimy and loose. Lip color needs to be maintained because it either fades or comes off whenever I eat or drink. In other words, lip make up tends to be a hassle that I don't like to deal with. I like to wear make up that I can apply easily and needs very little touch up throughout most of the day. I enjoy well colored lips, but not enough to have to check my lips in the mirror every hour or put up with dry lips. My favorite lip products have been tinted lip balms that I can apply like ordinary chap stick without a mirror. This Lauren Brooke lip glaze needs to impress me in order to win me over!
I found it very easy to apply. I used a basic lip brush made from natural fiber to paint it on my lips. It spread very well. It was smooth, easy to manipulate, and evenly spread across my lips. What I noticed right away was that it felt very moist and creamy, but not sticky or tacky. It simply made my lips looked polished with a light shine. It did dry up a little over the course of two hours, leaving my lips look well colored without much shine. I personally am okay with that, as I'm not a big fan of shiny lip colors that bring more attention to the lips than any other part of the face. I prefer my eyes to be the focus. The lip color has not come off on my water bottle, and after 3 hours of wearing it I think I still look good. It does not look "fresh" anymore, but I don't feel the need to apply more yet.
Because it's winter and the humidity is low, I think this lip glaze will work better if I apply some moisturizer to my lips first. It is more moisturizing than I expected, though, and I think that in better humidity I would not necessarily need use moisturizer first.
I like it! I really do! I went grocery shopping after applying it, and I honestly forgot I was wearing anything on my lips. That's a great quality. Normally, lip sticks and glosses tend to feel unnatural on my lips and I'm constantly reminded that my lips are painted with something when I wear them. I normally feel lip product as I talk because it's either dry, heavy, chalky, sticky, or slimy. Not this. My lips felt normal and happy the whole time I was out shopping. When I got home I looked in the mirror and I was still happy with how my lips looked. They were not as shiny, but the color was strong. This is a lip product I will certainly buy when my samples run out! I recommend the lip glaze!
Review of the colors:The colors were not all named when I received them, but they have been named by fans since. I'm keeping both of these photos up for my reference at the moment so I can be sure I'm using the correct name.
#1 - Strawberries and Creme
This is a very soft rosy pink, but not a bright pink. It is similar to my lip's natural shade, which I like. It looks like I just enhanced my natural colors. The first photo was taken in front of a window (it was overcast, sorry,) and the second photo was in front of my bathroom mirror in the light of basic vanity light bulbs. What I'm noticing is that my blush is not coming through in either photo - I might need to find a better blush for me. ;) (Excuse my hair - it's looooooong over due for a hair cut, but I just haven't wanted to chance a salon because my health has been so fragile lately.)

#2 - DragonfruitThis one surprised me. It looked like more of a bright hot pink in the container, but the color looked more gentle than that on my lips. This is a very pretty color. It's a little bit bright, and has a bit of a "party" flare to it. It goes on shiny, but the shine faded as it dried. It works on me, but isn't quite my personality. It's a shade I'll use when I'm in more of a fun mood. I did layer it twice, but my camera deadened the color a bit. I may replace these photos with ones taken in a better light later on. There was no sun today, so I couldn't get natural light.
Snow Cherry
Whoa, this one is bold. It's a strong, dominating, gorgeous color. It made my face look twice as pale as it already is, ha! I think it's really pretty, but it might be too strong for my skin tone. I tried two different lighting situations for these photos. The first one was taken after it was freshly applied, the the second one was taken about 45 minutes later. As you can see, the color did fade slightly, but it never faded anymore than that over the next few hours. I thought it looked better on me after it faded. I have been feeling overly tired (reacted pretty harshly yesterday from shopping and I'm in still in recovery) and my eyes and hair really show it in the second photo, so look at my pretty lips instead.

#3 - Sugared Hazelnut
I am going to do a new photoshoot with this color later, but I will post what I have for now. I took this on a day when I had to go out, so I took the opportunity to play with the lip glaze, but I wasn't feeling well. My skin was flushing and I was overly pale from low blood sugar and probably low blood pressure. I ended up laying on the couch all evening from being over tired. So because my face wasn't a good pallet that day (I thought make up would help, but it just got slimy and dry because my skin wasn't accepting it) I couldn't judge this color very well. My impression was that it's about as dark as I like. It's darker than my natural shade, providing definition to my lips, but isn't intense. I think it would compliment my skin well if I were tanned, but summer is too far away! It is a little more orange than red, which these photos didn't capture well.

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