Full Transparency: I joined my first affiliate program to start monetizing on what products I recommend. Why? Don't I have a real job? Not anymore and not yet - I just moved! I'd love it if you all use my links to buy products if you're genuinely interested in using them! I'm not doing this to waste your money! Besides, the whole point of this blog is that my energy levels are far too low to live like healthy people do. I do need to find ways to make ends meet, and I really do enjoy selling and promoting products that fit my values and needs. Thanks for your support in advance!
Let me catch you all up. It's super EXCITING!!
I just moved from North Dakota to South Carolina!!! Heck YES! My husband finished his doctoral degree and was able to land his first full-time associate professor job here. He no longer needs to work adjunct for several universities at a time! I'm so proud of him for making his dreams come true! It was all very good timing, as we needed to find a new home to live in anyway.
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I really do love where I live! |
This move is wonderful for so many reasons, but it does mean I need to start over. I need a new job, new doctors, new acupuncturist, and a new chiropractor. But... there are SO MANY opportunities and options here! I'll write a different post about the transition, how the weather has affected me, etc. Just know that, although North Dakota treated me very well, South Carolina might be the place where I can manage my health best. After the 2nd worst winter on record in North Dakota (by a 1/4 inch of snow), it was definitely time to find a warmer place. And you know what? Starting over can be extremely healthy! It's invigorating!
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The Peachoid, made famous in House of Cards on Netflix, is the monument of my new city. |
I'm honestly really sad about leaving my job in Bismarck, ND (I worked for Terry's Health Products - TerrysHP.com, a locally owned health products store.) I loved what I did there: technically selling natural products, but for me it was about helping people in need know what to buy to alleviate their symptoms or improve their health. I loved learning about herbs, supplements, ingredients, health conditions, environmental concerns, and how to make the world a better place. I loved educating our customers too! In the last year I was promoted to running the social media accounts, which I really enjoyed a lot! So I've been thinking... why not continue that work on my own? There is no natural products store in the small town I moved to, although there are two 30 minutes away from me. That's too far to drive in my condition. But with your support I can promote and sell through my own personal brand! ;)
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I took this before my last shift at my job. It was hard to admit it was the last day! |
The owner wrote this really sweet post about me leaving... it left me in tears. I didn't want to quit and leave behind my "family" there, but I'm happy to be in South Carolina now.
Right now I just have this blog. I'm just beginning this journey. I'll start building TikTok, Insta, and Facebook accounts soon. But I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED to share products and ways to save money on high-end organic clothing with you all!! My brain is spinning with ideas!
Short-term goals: Just focus on promoting what I already use to help me manage my health. Tools, foods, clothes, supplements, apps, etc. I have high standards and am strict about quality and ingredients, and I want all my thoughtful consideration of each product to help you make easier decisions on what to buy. I hope to build up my base this way, but also I want time to build up my accounts as slowly as I need to. My health is not exactly stable at this point, after the stress of the move and being without acupuncture.
Long-term goals: I'd love to earn enough from this venture to be able to buy products I'm interested in, but don't necessarily need or I can't afford, and then test and review them for you all. We really do need people trying out products with big claims and then reviewing them. Social Media is full of products with potential, but are untested. And I'd like to help my husband save up enough money to buy a house. And, ultimately, I want to not need to apply for disability in South Carolina.
My weaknesses and hurdles: I have very limited energy, and every day looks different. I have times when I feel capable, and times when I don't. I understand that consistency is a critical part of success doing affiliate marking. My mental health can be very sour at times - I can go to very dark places easily. However... I can promote what works for me during these rough times. Am I stuck in bed all day? I'll record video of what I use to help me manage it. Am I angry and depressed? I'll record myself in that state and show you how I lift myself back up. My weaknesses are weaknesses so many people have, so instead of putting on a professional/ fake influencer demeanor, I'll be super real with you all. I want to be the real thing in the internet sea of fakeness.
You might be wondering why an introverted person with chronic fatigue and pain wants to do a SOCIAL venture like this. Because there are too many people who suffer with similar health complaints and they don't know what to buy to help. So many people want advice, but can't afford the right kind of doctors. I've poured a lot time, money, and effort into educating myself. I have worked in the natural industry for a little over 8 years. I've worked with natural doctors who have taught me an incredible amount. I cannot and will not replace doctors (please get help!), but I can give advice on what to buy. The market is over-saturated with products full of claims, greenwashing, and hidden problems. I feel that I'm the right person to help people with chronic illnesses weed this stuff out. I enjoy this kind of work, and it's even better because I live my life this way. I use these products, I think about this stuff every day, and I feel passionately about helping educate people on better ways to survive this toxic world and find ways to heal.
This venture isn't really about me. I need to feel like my work is helpful to people, so I intend for it to satisfy my need to be helpful and build a healthier world, but this venture is about those who need guidance and direction to manage their health. I genuinely care, and I need my work to be about what I care about.
That being the case, I really want your feedback and input! I'll be super forthcoming: I'm terrible at replying quickly. It takes a lot of energy, and sometimes I really can't find the strength to think. I do read everything though. So please do leave comments with your ideas!
And as for my first promotion...
This post was fueled by:
Four Sigmatic Protect (formerly called Defend). I have been drinking this every morning in my matcha since the pandemic started. I have trouble tolerating some herbs that boost the immune system, probably because I'm auto-immune, but this has never caused me problems. It's a fact that I never had Covid, but is it because I've been drinking this? Who knows!? Ha! But what I can say is that this mushroom blend wakes up my brain and clears the darkness away. It makes it easier for me to start connecting with the world around me in my mornings. Caffeine can help me move and warm up, but it doesn't always get my brain to connect with reality.
There are many mushroom brands to choose from these days, but the reason I choose Four Sigmatic is because they organically grow their mushrooms on logs and only use the fruiting bodies, not mycelium. This is very important because we can measure the nutrition in the fruiting bodies, but mycelium is not a good source of nutrition. Other brands grow in moldy conditions, on food sources like oats (which I cannot eat), and may not use the fruiting bodies. Not only that, but mushrooms are an environmental sponge, so if they're not grown organically in proper conditions they can be full of contaminants you don't want in your body. If you're interested, read more about their process here.
Thanks so much everyone!! Let's make this world a healthier place together!