Today has been the perfect storm...
I'm not okay.
My period is running late, but I've been in PMS for about 2 weeks. I've grown so weak from it, and my mood instability took over yesterday. Today the barometric pressure is contributing in its own exhausting way. Yesterday we shot off fireworks for Independence Day, and, well, the smoke played its huge role on how I'm feeling. POTS is roaring and telling me to stop trying to move. Not to mention the fact that I'm just overly tired from too much happening in my life. I've been running on empty for a while.
It's 3:30 now and I've been asleep 70% of the time since midnight last night. When I've been awake all I can do is tend to my nausea, bowels, vertigo, tinnitus, jello legs, cramping, and super bad mood. Why am I writing this with what little energy I have? Venting, of a sort. I have to talk about how I'm feeling somehow. I deal with it better when I can take it out of my internal self in some way.
This was me yesterday, putting on a face. I felt mean, exhausted, borderline ready to blow up in rage (if not for the exhaustion), and dealing with cramping and pain. I got dressed up for planned family photos. I tried so hard to hide it, and it ended up resulting in being very withdrawn with a few angry words that slipped out. Basically, I was faking being well. I'm so so so so sick of hearing "but you look good!" Yeah, I looked good on purpose. I'm not happy with my bangs, but whatever. It doesn't reflect how I felt. My head is twisted so you don't see my acne.

This is part of what's happening below the surface:

I use Clue, Period Tracker, and Fitbit to track my periods. Featured here is Clue. It's not the easiest to understand how to read these charts if you're not familiar. Those 2 red dots before the blue "fertility window" part of the cycle were when I was spotting during ovulation. The app keeps pushing up when I was in ovulation due to the length of time between my periods. I started PMS symptoms with ovulation, when I was spotting, I just forgot to track for a few days. All those colored dots in the last 12 days are PMS symptoms I'm experiencing (that I remembered to track.)
If you look at the calendar in the next photo, you can see how much of my time my menstrual cycle is affecting me. The blue times, or ovulation, always come with their own set of symptoms (even if I forget to track.)
This is all below my surface. Add to it MCS reactions, POTS, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, IBS issues... Seriously, I'm so over all this. I spend every freaking day dealing with all the crap in my body that I don't/ can't necessarily show on the surface.
I really didn't want to call in sick to work today. I try to reserve that for only the worst of the worst. I know I'm about to get even worse whenever I actually do start my period, so I wanted to save it for then. But I just had no strength to work with. Every time I got up to the bathroom I just saw spinning flying stuff around my head and my legs were wobbly. Eating made my symptoms worse. I couldn't stay awake. I kept falling asleep with my phone on my chest.
Getting sleepy and cross eyed trying to write this, but damn... if only I could scream and punch and curse and exorcise this demon out of my body. I need to talk about this. I need comfort. I need compassion. But it seems like most people in my life just want to tell me to suck it up and deal with it. I don't feel safe saying what I really think or feel to most people.
And tomorrow? Who knows. But I'm scheduled to work and my coworkers will be too short staffed without me. This is very stressful for me. It's not anyone's fault, but I can never know if I can be depended on when I'm late to start my period. The stress...…… grrrrr