Sunday, February 18, 2024

Favorite Things!

It's been a while since I've made a blog with my favorite things. The world has changed. Brands have come and gone. I've discovered new products to love. So... what do I love right now? 

Culina Dairy-Free Yogurt!

I've only ever seen it at Whole Foods and Natural Grocers, but I know some small local organic markets carry it too.

I don't really need to be eating any yogurt on my diet, but I need an occasional treat! I can't have any dairy, and most non-dairy yogurts are not good because they're mostly starch and sugar, and I think it creates a bad texture anyway. There is only one single brand I've been impressed with, and that's Culina. They don't use starch, they ferment the coconut with agar. Agar is from seaweed and is rich with fiber, which I love. They sweeten with maple syrup, a nutrient-dense whole food. It's the only non-dairy yogurt I have found that is not junk food. It's so creamy and thick too!! It has the same texture as dairy yogurt! 

The mango flavor I'm looking at right now has 10g of sugar and 15g of carbs, but the others favors have 7 or 8 grams of sugar. All the flavors contain 5 grams of fiber. The net carbs are lower than most non-dairy yogurts, so I eat it as a treat on occasion. 

But the Plain and Simple flavor has 0 g of sugar and 4 carbs, with 5 g of fiber! So I like to buy a tub of it and make small smoothies with it. I add protein powder, allulose, and marshmallow root... along with a few berries and unsweetened cacao. Sometimes I'll use frozen avocado instead. I'll thin it with coconut milk or water. It's great! It's low in sugar, although it has some carbs, but it's a treat! I should probably add fiber to it too. 

I really want to try making something new with it next, like tzatziki! It has the perfect texture for it, unlike most non-dairy yogurts. 

Hippo Sak (Plant-Based) Trash Bags!

Trash bags. They're required where I live. Avoiding plastic is really important to me, and going zero-waste is not easy (or even possible in some situations.) You'll see me recommending products that come in plastic, but when there's an alternative choice that's good, I'm going to choose it. I've tried many non-plastic trash bags before, and they almost all don't work. They're designed to biodegrade too quickly, they rip too easily, they're not really the right size for the can and they don't stretch, etc. Loads of problems. But.... Hippo Sak. They figured it out. 

I'll be perfectly clear - I don't really know if they're being honest that their bags are plant-based because of how good they are. They say they are made of sugar cane, but they say they're recyclable and not compostable. It's suspicious because these bags are super durable and strong. So, even if they are made of plastic, they're the best trash bags I've ever used. They have ZERO smell (very important for MCS issues), and all plastic trash bags at least smell of plastic (and so many have fragrances added, which is so unhealthy!) 

Another bonus is that this brand is made in the USA!

Reel Toilet Paper

I have a subscription to toilet paper. Every 12 weeks Reel sends me a box of 24 rolls. It's almost always perfect timing, and I never have to think about it. But the best part is, Reel is the best quality toilet paper I have found. I don't mean in terms of how it feels (I like it, but it's strong instead of soft), I mean in terms of how it's made. It's made from virgin bamboo, without any additives or chemicals to be concerned about. Recycled toilet paper is full of ink, plastic, perfumes, and other agents of the paper it was made from. Many brands have been tested positive for PFAS. (Read that Time article. It's important. This is not only a major problem for our healthy, but our water is seriously polluted with PFAS because of things like toiler paper.) 

Also, this toilet paper comes shipped in a box, and each roll is wrapped in paper. There's no unnecessary plastic. I've never had a box ruined by moisture. 

Want a discount? Click here:

Four Sigmatic Protect

(They don't offer coupon codes for friends, sorry, but I explain how to save the most money buying this product below.)

Mushrooms are all the rage, and with good reason. They have incredible benefits! They're neuro-protective, support the immune system, help regulate hormones, improve mental clarity, help us adapt to stress... and so much more. I love this blend because it has 10 mushrooms that cover all my bases, and I feel noticeably more resilient because of this blend. I add it to my matcha every morning and I love it! I drank this every day during the pandemic, and I never got Covid. That might have more to do with my genetics (I mean really, how is it possible that I never got Covid?), but I love to say that these mushrooms really did protect me!

But why Four Sigmatic, why not other brands? Four Sigmatic is expensive! This is truly a case of "you get what you pay for." Four Sigmatic is really careful about how they grow their mushrooms, so they control the process to reduce the risk of mold, yeast, bacteria, pesticides, and other contaminates. They get 3rd party testing on every batch. They grow on logs, not on food products I'm allergic to (like some brands grow on oats.) They are certified organic too. Also, and perhaps most importantly, they use the fruiting body, not the mycelium. Cheaper brands are using the mycelium bound to grains like oats, not the fruiting bodies. The mycelium grows the mushrooms, but has not been studied. We don't have any evidence that the mycelium offers any of the same benefits as the fruiting bodies. I love Four Sigmatic's high standards!

The trick to making Four Sigmatic affordable is to subscribe to a bundle. So every 3 months they send me my Protect blend, and it comes out to $21 per bottle (and I use one bottle per month.) It's usually around $24 per bottle in stores. Once you have a subscription, you can add other products to each delivery without needing to subscribe to those products too. So when they come out with a product I want to try, I order it once along with my subscription. I get the subscription discount that way too. If I don't want to buy it again, I don't need to. 

Almooni Loofahs

Check it out on Amazon

I love real natural loofahs (as in, the plant, not the plastic net balls.) No plastic, because they're plants! They're gently exfoliating. They lather my soap well. They get me clean. They're antibacterial because they breathe so well. But what I love most about them is the sensory experience on my skin. I can rub it against my skin in the shower and feel like I'm gently scratching without breaking my skin or causing irritation. It's so warming to me, because I can rub and rub and get blood to the area, which gives me a lot of relief. This might sound really strange people with good circulation. 

This particular brand is my favorite because they're so carefully crafted. They are extra careful to remove all the seeds, unlike other brands I've tried. They offer options with a cotton backing and a strap, which are so comfortable to use in the shower. My favorite, however, are their giant ones. I can scratch at big areas of my skin, which is heavenly. Again, it might sound weird to those of you with good circulation. But I'm telling you... these huge loofahs are the best. 

Briut Electric Toothbrush Heads

These toothbrush heads are made of bamboo with plant-based (non-plastic) bristles. The listing no longer says it and their website is down at the moment, but the bristles are made from castor oil. Yes, they actually work really well! They're soft enough to feel comfortable, but they stay stiff and actually do the job. They're supposed to last about 3 months each too, so it's very cost effective. I tend to use my brushes up a little faster because I can't seem control how much pressure I use while brushing... but hey, they get the job done, my teeth feel clean without sensitivity, and I'm saving money on a plastic-free option! 

I did buy the Briut bamboo electric toothbrush initially, but the first one didn't take a charge, so they sent me a replacement. (Amazing customer service from this small company.) The 2nd one worked well for one year, then stopped charging. At that point more reviews had come out and many people said the same thing. It's not really Briut's fault - a few brands were putting their brand names on the same exact toothbrush. The manufacturer was the issue. I discovered that I loved the electric toothbrush, so I ended up buying a more reliable Soniccare. So now I buy the toothbrush heads that fit the Soniccare, and I'm happy has a clam. 

Sleeping Bean Body Pillow

This is not your average body pillow. This is a body pillow made from organic cotton and stuffed with Kapok, a plant-based organic material that never seems to go flat (I've had this pillow for at least 5 years). This pillow isn't spongey or too soft to be supportive. It molds to my shape and cradles me. This helps me a lot while I'm sleeping because it helps my legs and arms stay in a good position all night. I put the bottom between my knees and I hug the top, and my achy muscles are happy. I don't put my head on it though, I have my own latex pillow that works better. 

Also.... This pillow was extremely helpful while I was recovering from my permanent toenail removal. It kept the blankets off my foot, but I was able to keep my feet under the blankets to stay warm. Super helpful!! 

Tencel Bed Sheets

Also bought this on Etsy

When we spend so much time in bed, the sheets are incredibly important. Normally I'd be most excited about organic cotton, and I have a few sets that I like. Then I bought these Tencel sheets, and honestly, it's hard to go back to cotton. Tencel is a wood-fiber from eucalyptus trees, and it's natural. It needs to be processed to be turned into a fiber, but unlike some cheap non-organic bamboo fibers (viscose and rayon) I don't seem to have problems with any Tencel fabrics. 

Tencel is very silky smooth. It's very breathable. It's very cooling. So I can roll around on these sheets like I'm rolling around on silk, with no friction at all. It honestly makes a huge difference because it takes less effort for me to move around in bed. When I haven't shaved my legs my hair doesn't get caught in the fabric the way it gets caught in cotton. 

This might sound gross... but when you have ME/CFS, it's just reality. I can get away with washing them less often. Cotton gets rotten a lot faster. 

There are several brands that make Tencel sheets, but I chose this brand after talking with the owner. They don't use fragrances, their dyes don't bother me, and they're slightly oversized so they can fit my deep mattress. I don't have to put a lot of effort into pulling on the sheets to stretch them to actually get onto my mattress. They're large enough. 

I have been sleeping in the same exact set of sheets for 4 years now, very rarely switching to my flannel sheets when I'm cold. The sheets are just now starting to show a tiny bit of wear with some fraying around the seams, but they're still just as soft and silky as ever! You all know how much of a fan I am of longevity. 

More "favorite things" blogs to come soon... 

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