Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Vent About My Pain and Breathing Troubles

If I had the energy, I think I'd be screaming right now.

I had a very hard time falling asleep last night because of throbbing aching upper back and shoulder pain. This morning I have the same pain continuing on along with a tight aching chest. My heart feels so tired and sore. I feel like I can't breathe well enough because my lungs are too tired. I have to consciously breathe deeply enough because the automatic breathing system isn't doing a good enough job. And then that same spot in my gut is now constantly in pain instead of just in certain positions.

I've been sitting here for an hour, mostly still, and my pulse is 104 with blood pressure of 106/58. Systolic is higher than my normal for being at rest, and I'm always symptomatic when my diastolic is below 60.

I'm itchy and fidgety, as if I had a bunch of sugar, but I didn't. My skin is tender in certain areas, like I have the flu, but I don't.

I really want to be back on my supplements. This is so uncomfortable. 2 more weeks until testing. Can I handle 2 weeks of this? Can I handle the planes to travel to the doctors in this condition?

Whenever I try to gently stretch my back and shoulder muscles to release the throbbing tension the pain shoots to my brain and makes me feel so weak that I might pass out. When I try to massage it I feel like I'm going to break my fingers. I bruised my neck from massaging it last night, now I can't work on that spot.

I kind of wish I had a machine to breathe for me right now. Remembering to breathe is exhausting. Why won't my body just do it well without me thinking about it?

I'm wishing my last acupuncturist was here to do dry needling on these muscles. It was the only therapy I've ever had done to fully release the tension. If it were simple enough to just go to Arizona to see him I would. I don't know of anyone else in my area that does it. My new acupuncturist is excellent - she's incredible, but she doesn't do dry needling. She does cupping, which does help a lot, but does not fully release the tension. The cupping tends to open up my lungs though. It makes me cough for a bit before I can take a full satisfying deep breathe, which is an amazing feeling.

That's making me think my breathing troubles right now are probably directly tied to my extreme shoulder tension. If I can find a way to loosen the tension without taking my pills, will I be able to breathe normally again?

I can't think of ANYTHING but my pain this morning. I want to rest and relax, but I can't. All I can do is sit here and manage my breathing.

If I needed a doctor in town right now, who would I even go see? My acupuncturist would probably help the most, but she's very difficult to get into. I'm not allowed to see my chiropractor again until after the testing. He would probably help though. Every time I try to stretch I can feel several bones pulling and popping with the motion.

My heart is just so dang sore. It feels like it might give out from exhaustion.

I need some sort of stand that can hold my phone directly above my head while I'm laying down so I could watch a show on it without using my arms. If I just lay there on my acupressure mat my mind wanders to bad places that prevents me from relaxing. I need the distraction.

Oh great, now I'm bleeding where I've been massaging. Uggghhhh.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Upcoming Medical Appointments and Symptom List

It upsets me that I have so much I really want to write about in this blog, but I just can't find the energy. I've been very surprised and humbled by how many views my posts are getting. Thank you so much for the support, and I very much hope that what I'm sharing helps you!

I just can't find the energy to reply to people I really care about on Facebook messenger. I'm too brain dead. I rarely watch TV on my own because I'd rather be doing something, and so video games help me relax while being interactive, but lately I've found myself watching more and more because it allows me to just lay on the couch and zone out. My games are calling to me to be played, but I know I can't think well enough to enjoy them. So please understand that I'm not ignoring anyone - I'm just trying to make it day by day, waiting for a time when I feel up to replying to messages or writing a blog post. I'm not even up to blogging right now, but people are asking about me, so I wanted to explain.

I'm tapering off all my pills again for some doctor appointments next month. I'm going to see a Cardiologist for a Tilt Table test to officially test for POTS and an Echocardiogram to monitor my Pulmonary Stenosis (heart murmur I was born with that never "went away.") Then I'm seeing a Neurologist for POTS and Chronic Fatigue, and he's going to run a nerve conduction test. Then I'm going to see my Naturopathic doctor (Dr. Bier at HumanNatureNaturalHealth.com) for an exam and treatments. I have to be at my worst for the Tilt Table test, which means I need to taper off my pills that help me manage my day-to-day life. It also means I need to stop seeing the Chiropractor since adjustments do help my symptoms subside for a little while.

Needless to say, this is leaving me exhausted: the stress of planning the trip to New Hampshire to see these doctors alone is too much stress. Finding an AirBNB that is fragrance-free, finding plane tickets, figuring out how to pack light for a trip in the winter... my parents have done most of the work and it's still too much stress for me. Oh, and how could I forget how difficult and time consuming it was to get the appointments scheduled? I felt bad for how much work I put my doctor through to get me these appointments. Now I have to call Disability to move my hearing, which is going to be a giant headache... and I honestly haven't had it in me to make the phone call yet. My appointments only worked out on the day that my hearing is scheduled for. I'm planning on making that phone call after my tea kicks in. Or why couldn't I just do it over Skype? My hearing is set to be a teleconference over a TV anyway...

In the midst of all this, the motor and pump on our dishwasher broke, and it was out of commission for almost 2 weeks. Thankfully the warranty covered the repair!

I'm also trying to manage at work through all of this - my goal has been to not lose any shifts. This is challenging. As long as my matcha powder in my water keeps giving me the strength to work, I can work. When the caffeine isn't enough, I can't do it. And I'm getting more and more vertigo without taking my b12. I took one b12 the other day because the vertigo was too strong for me to be able to drive myself to work. The b12 killed the vertigo - it worked. But I'm not supposed to be taking it. So I'm getting really nervous about working, but I can't afford not to. I have to save ALL of my strength and energy for work, which means chores at home are not getting done. My mom was really helpful and very nice and came to stay with us twice so she could do chores for me. My husband works so much that he shouldn't have to do any, and I don't want him to lose his health from overworking.

I'm really struggling - if only I stopped having things I had to do. If work was my only obligation I could make it. But things I have to do keep coming on, one thing after the other. Why can't I just rest? Why is everything full of phone calls and paperwork? Every day I have to accomplish SOMETHING... it's always SOMETHING. I'm not well enough to do all of this. I wish I had a disability lawyer hired to handle it all for me... but the work of getting a lawyer is way too overwhelming. Even if I get diagnosed, I don't think I'll win disability. North Dakota doesn't like to give it to people under age 50 because, and I quote, "Young people are resilient." You have no idea how angry this makes me. When I finally figure out how to recover and improve my health I'm going to fight this notion in our local government and strive to educate our judges. If I was resilient then I wouldn't have a health problem worth asking for disability over now would I? I'm asking for disability BECAUSE I'm not NOT resilient enough. And that's not my fault. I didn't choose to be this sick.

I'm honestly tempted to drop my case entirely, move to another state, and try again there. North Dakota is a difficult place to live if you have medical needs, and not just because of the rough extreme weather. The weather alone makes it difficult, and healthy people just don't understand that. When you're very sensitive to pressure changes, temperature changes, and extreme temperatures, but you also have to deal with shoveling and driving in sometimes large amounts of snow and ice... it's difficult. You have to be a resilient and rugged person to live here. I used to be. But it takes energy to be, energy I no longer have. I get so much crap from people here when I get upset over several inches or more of snow - they say things like, "Suck it up, Buttercup!" or "You'll get used to it." or "The rest of us deal with it, so you can too." There was a time when I was used to it and could handle it, but dealing with it takes energy. They all have the energy, and they don't know what it's like to not have the energy. It's very insulting to me to hear things like this because I used to take pride in being able to handle the rough situations. I used to not get anxiety over a little extra hardship. They didn't know me back then, when I was healthy and could take on the world. Back when a challenge was just an opportunity to succeed. I can't think that way anymore without getting sicker.

I've been getting asked what my symptoms are that have led me to getting these tests done. Here's a non-comprehensive list:

- Dizzy and short of breath when standing up. I'll see colors spinning all around me for several seconds before things come back into focus.

- Heart pounds so hard that it makes my teeth chatter with each beat. Sometimes it feels like my heart will pop out of my neck.

- Heart palpitations, especially when laying down.

- When I measure my heart rate from laying or sitting to standing up, it often (but not always) goes up 40 or more beats per minute. Sometimes it doesn't change at all, despite feeling very weak. It also jumps all over the place when I'm laying still - it's jumped around 30 bpm when I was laying perfectly still except for breathing. It would go up and down and up and down within 30 bpm.

- Normal blood pressure is typically about 100/60, but have been down to 90/50 frequently enough. Licorice does raise it back up temporarily. After exercising my systolic tends to rise a lot, but diastolic doesn't change much.

- Sharp shooting pains in my chest. Sometimes my whole chest will feel sore like I worked out the muscles too hard.

- Vertigo that comes and goes.

- Blurred vision or very tired vision, making it so that I end up squinting when trying to keep eye contact with someone

- Constant neck and shoulder tension, sometimes so tense that it gives me an earache or toothache. I get regular muscle work done and it's not enough.

- Headache at the top of my neck that comes and goes.

- Tinnitus in my ears that frequently changes in terms of severity

- Periods of derelization and depersonalization, where reality feels like a dream that I'm not actively involved in. Like I'm viewing reality on a TV and I'm not actually in it, but have to act like I am in it... because I am.

- Adrenaline rushes and crashes. I can shake and run around like a crazy person during the adrenaline rushes, and when I crash I crash so hard that I quite honestly can't get up. I often wake up with these adrenaline rushes in the middle of the night. Very similar to anxiety attacks, but it's not anxiety.

- Legs and arms can suddenly feel like jello. They can lose strength and feel wobbly.

- Never ending bloating issues, with sharp stabbing gut pains.

- Icy cold arms and legs while my torso is sweating as though it's in a sauna.

- Sweating when I feel cold, or being freezing cold when others are comfortable in t-shirts.

- Inability to determine if temperature is safe, like when I'm doing the dishes or taking a bath I can pour water that's way too hot and not realize I'm burning until my heart rate skyrockets, my skin is bright red, and I'm sweating like crazy. Other times the water will feel way too hot and I'll sweat like crazy when it's actually colder than I normally like it.

- Pale flushed skin, sometimes associated with my skin being very tender to touch, the way skin feels when you have the flu.

- I never feel hydrated, even when I drink so much electrolyte water that my stomach wants to vomit from being over filled with water. I'm always feeling dry. Sometimes I have a problem of needing to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes, other times I'm wondering why I can't go to the bathroom more often when I feel like I'm flooding myself.

- Energy so low that it can be exhausting to just grill a steak for myself.

- Energy so low that it's difficult to hold a conversation with someone because I can't focus on listening or forming replies.

- Slurring my speech and/ or stuttering.

- Joint pain that comes and goes

- Falling asleep is really very extremely difficult, even when I'm exhausted.

- Sleep is not restful. I either wake up feeling high adrenaline that gets me moving quickly, and I crash very hard once I eat breakfast, or I take until 11 or noon to get out of bed because I'm feeling so incredibly tired.

- My tongue sometimes swells up so much it doesn't fit in my teeth.

- I can't sit with my feet on the floor without getting overly tired and weak, so I sit on chairs with them curled up towards my chest.

- I can't lay still long without getting fidgety, my body needing to move.

- I can't just sit and talk to someone over tea. I HAVE to be doing something, even if it's just playing with something in my hands, but if you want to talk to me I should be doing the dishes or cleaning something while we're talking. If I'm not moving, I crash hard and can't focus. But if I move too much I get exhausted and need to go lay down where it's quiet. So in other words, being social is draining. I like the idea of having friends, but not always the reality of spending time with friends.

- Reactive to fragrances and other synthetics, meaning: widespread muscle pain, gut cramping, heart burn, vision loss, emotional instability issues, headaches, sinus aches (I got a sinus infection from going into a very smelly Staples once), heart pounding and palpations, rashes...

- Very reactive to foods, making it so I can't cheat on my diet without paying hard for it. Hives, rashes, adrenaline surge, nervous ticks, severe anger, stomach and gut pain, very high painful heart rate, bowel and bladder control issues, muscle pain...

- Mold is my worst enemy. It his me harder than anything else. Typically with nose bleeds, chest tightness, emotional instability to the extreme, unable to breath deeply enough, widespread pain, a major sense of fear and dread washes over me...

- ALL of my symptoms get MUCH worse during PMS and my period. My periods are very very heavy and painful. Very difficult to manage.

- I can't have a slightly confrontational talk with someone without shivering and sweating, and it feels like helium fills up my head. I avoid confrontation in person. If I has to be done I prefer to say most of it through text (email or whatever) and then finish talking about it in person when the shock is over.

Here's some video evidence of my heart rate issues. I uploaded my video to youtube and would rather link to it than embed it since blogger gives me too many issues with embedding videos:

...I'm sure I'm forgetting some important symptoms, but this should give you a pretty good idea of what it's like to be me. My supplements help most of these symptoms to be mild and manageable as long as I don't over tax myself, but I'm also paying about $600/ month for them. They're working much better than anything else I've tried, but I've stopped improving and they're just maintaining me.

I need to have an MD determine if I have POTS or something else, because I need to be able to either accept that I can't improve more than this or that I can try something else to improve. I can't plan my life out around the not knowing if I can improve or not. And unfortunately, only an MD has the credentials to make that determination. No employer or assistance programs will accept anything other than the right type of MD's diagnosis. I'm not going because my Naturopathic doctor isn't helping (he's been the most helpful person I've ever worked with), I'm going because I need to go the conventional accepted route to get what I need to manage life.

And it's oh so stressful.