Saturday, June 26, 2021

Covid Vaccine Side Effects....

I've been hesitant to say anything on social media about my choice to get the covid vaccines. I know many of you will not approve, so please don't start an argument with me. I spent a lot of time researching the benefits vs the risks, and I decided that the benefits outweigh the risks, especially due to my health situation. Covid has the potential to undo all the hard work I've done to manage my illnesses, and I'm not willing to throw away 8 years of intense work to have this level of stability (and I'm far from stable!) I determined that the vaccine is less likely to cause me long term harm than Covid itself, and it would completely idiotic to assume I won't catch covid eventually.

I would go into more detail on my research, but I don't have much energy at the moment. It all boiled down to UK studies showing that people with post-covid POTS were going into remission from the covid vaccine, and the rate of people developing POTS from Covid is substantially reduced in vaccinated people. The last thing I want is for Covid to worsen my POTS. The vaccine side effects are better than worsening my POTS. I also just don't handle viruses well. Ever since H1N1 I haven't been able to handle getting sick. I take really good care of myself and don't get sick easily anymore (I did as a child and teenager), but now when I do get sick it knocks me out twice as hard and twice as long as everyone else. Covid could be really dangerous for me. I've been avoiding people the best I could, but it wasn't possible anymore since fewer and fewer people take any covid precautions. 

But I do want to share a bit about my experience to contribute to the conversation. I was hesitant because I was nervous about how my body would react to the vaccines. Last year I had a tetanus shot that left me with side effects for 2 weeks! It was miserable! But my motivation to help end this pandemic (since not enough people are willing to get vaccines to help protect the most vulnerable) fueled me to research this covid vaccine and just do it. 

I got the Moderna because I have the most trust in their company.

My first shot gave me 3 days of side effects. It was not fun, but it wasn't as severe as I worried it would be. I tasted metal in my mouth, had a constant headache, lots of heartburn, my gut was in a lot of pain and caused some unpleasantness in the bathroom, my joints were swollen, I had occasional chills, a sore throat, and my toes were more purple and freezing cold than normal. The 4th day was better, so I went for a walk that ended up being more strenuous than I could handle, and left me with another couple days of malaise and fatigue. I wasn't ready for exercise and I paid hard for it. Then I started to return to my "normal," but all month I had a struggle with chest pain and heart burn. I kept taking so many pills to try and stop it and nothing was helping enough. I had to go home early from work a couple of times because the chest pain was so bad that I couldn't focus. I had about 1.5 weeks where the chest pain and heartburn subsided before getting my next shot.

Then I got my second shot 5 days ago.

Monday morning at 10 am I got the shot. It only took a few minutes for an elevated heart rate to start bothering me. It took about an hour for increased fatigue to settle in. By 5 pm that evening I was in pain. A LOT of pain. I don't just mean my arm. It was like a full blown fibromyalgia flare on steroids. 

Tuesday morning I woke up in tears. The pain was enough where I considered going to the hospital, and then it felt like I had the flu on top of it. Every muscle in my body was screaming, tense, and giving me sharp pains when moving. My calves were twitching and spasming. My circulation was much worse than normal and my toes were so purple and cold that I couldn't move them. My neck and head felt like they were imploding - like they were filling with gas that was trying to expand them. I couldn't touch my skin because it was tender and sensitive the way skin is with the flu. My fatigue was strong enough that it was really hard for me to get out of bed and take anything to help. I ended up collapsing when trying to stand up. It wasn't possible for me to stand in one spot. If I was on my feet I had to keep moving or I would faint. POTS made the vaccine worse, or the vaccine made the POTS worse? Don't know.

Wednesday was still very bad, but different. The body pain mostly moved up to my head and chest, but my joints still ached mildly. The chest pain began, the heart burn kicked in, and my headache was worse than ever. The sore throat begin. 

Thursday the pain reduced enough where I felt relief, but the chest pain continued. I could finally start using my arm mostly normally. The fatigue was still too much, so I couldn't accomplish much. The sore throat and headache were bothering me a lot. I was still icy cold. 

Friday, yesterday, was the best I had felt all weak, but a new problem occurred: diarrhea. I don't just mean a little. It was dangerous to be away from the toilet. My body was in purge mode. It lasted the entire day up until bed time. I had to go grocery shopping, and it was the scariest grocery shopping experience since all I was thinking was that at any moment I could have to drop everything and run to the bathroom. My fatigue couldn't improve much under this situation. My chest pain reduced a little bit. The sore throat and headache reduced too, but still came and went. I noted how incredibly pale I looked. I was just out in the sun for most of last week, so I have a decent tan. My face was sheer. 

Today, Saturday: My head is still going in and out of a mild headache. I don't get headaches often, so this is not normal for me. My stomach and gut still give me occasional sharp pains and gurgles, but I returned to solid. My fatigue is still stronger than my normal, but I had a cup of green tea to help me get something done today... which is writing thig blog, apparently. I still feel like it's too much effort to get out of my chair, but my mind is working better than it has all week. I feel like I might be in the stage where I'm past the vaccine side effects, but my body has to recover from being so sick. 

If any of you understand how to read sleep data, then here are my Oura Ring results from Monday night into Tuesday morning:


For reference, here was Sunday night into Monday morning: