Friday, September 28, 2018

Blood Deficiency (Chinese Medicine)

In Traditional Chinese Medicine there is a concept called "blood deficiency." It doesn't necessarily mean that a person is lacking actual physical blood. If you would like to learn what it is, I suggest this article. In western medicine it often presents as anemia or chronic fatigue, but other wise healthy people can experience it.

I regularly fight blood deficiency. It causes me to fall away into the core of who I am, living there, unable to really connect with the world around me. I become distant, irritable, very guarded, and often incoherent. My thoughts and emotions feel highly intense and heightened due to living in them, but I have no energy to express them. There's no strength with which to pour that emotional experience into art, conversation, or work. So I appear outwardly cold, uncaring, dazed and confused, and perhaps even unloving. The truth is that I love hard and fierce, but if you want me to show it you'll just have to watch for the finer details in how I do spend my energy. If you give me time to be alone, let me recharge, and be very selfishly focused on my own needs then you'll see me come out of my cocoon and wanting to invest in you again. Until I'm once again drained. When people take a little from me every day, I never recharge, and you won't see me turn into that butterfly that is who I really am when I have full strength.

So you must understand that I have to pick and choose who I give my energy to very very carefully. For years I tried to maintain this blog, be active in Facebook support groups, be an attentive wife and friend, and give my best efforts to my job. It wasn't working for me. People kept taking more from me than I had to give. I now have accepted that my body has decided to control who I can give any energy to. Don't misunderstand. If I were well, I would treat every person in my life as equally important. I'm not well.

I have two versions of being trapped in this state. One version is that I can't tolerate outside stimulation. I don't want TV, music, people, or other distractions. I just want to be in silence. In this version I tend to be calm and submissive in my dreams, where I live. I can't step into reality, my dreams are always in my vision. I just let my natural desires and instincts play out in these dreams, and normally I find I'm just giving up and giving in to anything.

The other version is the one I'm in now. I crave music that reflects my emotional state, to the point of playing the same few songs over and over and over. I want to be fed what I want to feel, not made to produce those feelings on my own. I want my food to comfort and warm me. I'll drink hot herbal tea constantly. I want to have deep basal desires met, maybe physical touch, emotional, spiritual... like I'm hurting for not having my cravings filled. I want a very deep conversation with a person online to connect my soul with someone else I fully trust (no small talk or work talk or I will scream), but not in person. It's easier to type than to speak, and I'm not burdened with the need to show facial expression or body language online. Thankfully I have made a couple of online friends who are the same wavelength as me most of the time. I don't need a selfish conversation - often I just want to ask question and listen to them, but this sort of connection is like food to me. I selfishly need it as fuel so I don't go crazy. 

Either way, you may see the trend that I just can't fully exist in reality. It wouldn't matter how good my life is, I wouldn't be able to engage with it. No matter how many times I say this, people don't know how to respond. Some people think they can just force reality on me. Others just act like I didn't ask them to leave me alone. Some try to help me - and I do not want it. Help means work, which drains and only makes me worse. It means I have to respond with gratitude, and that response can drain me. Think of me like a cocoon. I'll come out and engage with you when I'm ready. 

No matter the version I feel, my physical symptoms are often the same. Poor digestion, bloating, blurred strained vision, light sensitivity, worsened POTS, low blood pressure, painfully freezing purple toes, joint stiffness and aches, aching heart from being over worked, muscle tension and pain, swollen tongue and tight throat, feeling 100 pounds heavier than I am, pale lackluster skin with huge bags under my eyes... and this time, I've been bleeding very heavy for a week during the middle of my cycle. All that bleeding prevents me from healing and improving.

The acupuncture bed is my favorite place to be each week. Acupuncture is a fine art, the practitioner and skill level really does matter. I start with having cupping done, and the warmth it brings to my back is one of the best feelings in the world. It helps my muscle tension, but it also helps me take a deep satisfying breath. I often cough from the raw feeling of breathing air into the bottom of my lungs after cupping. Then come the needles. Sometimes my body fights the effect and my heart rate sky rockets - my qi moves quickly and can feel like anxiety flowing through me for a while until I finally deeply relax. Other times the needles kill all the anxiety in me, allowing me to fall deep into soul and stop feeling my body at all. I have the best imagination and dreams in this state. 30 minutes of deep pure relaxation and comfort that can't be replicated by any drug. I've had out-of-body experiences, and that feeling is more therapeutic than anything else in the world.

It's hard for me to write this. The person I am when I'm well and healthy would be embarrassed by this. I'm careful about how I present myself so that I can get along with everyone. I like to know who people are, and I like to show how much I care. When I'm healthy I guard any dark, anti-social, depressed feelings I have from others so I can just show them love and care. I'm a highly empathic person, but I've turned that empathy on myself and away from others. I'm studying myself like I'm another person desperately trying to connect with this person I see in me.

The best thing you can do is let me guard my energy. Don't take it personally. Taking it personally will tug at my empathetic nature and drain me. It's not about you. It's about me being hardly alive. I'm a flicker of myself. Don't put that light out. 

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