Saturday, November 29, 2014

Detox Baths

One of my favorite ways to relax is in the bathtub. The heat is soothing, the water is gentle and fresh, and the additives are very beneficial. There are many recipes out there for detox bath, and some work better than others. I'm just going to share with you my favorites, based on ingredients that are easy to get and use. I'm not going to take a bath that requires a lot of work to prepare.

Keep in mind that tap water can contain toxins such as chlorine, fluoride, prescription drug residue, and heavy metals. Beyond the problem of toxins, tap water can be rough on your skin because chlorine is very drying. I recommend using a water softener to help filter the water. If you're like me and you can't afford one or are unable to install one in your home, I suggest this bath filter. It's been on sale on Amazon for many months now. It isn't perfect, but it does help. Since using it, my bathwater doesn't smell as strongly of chlorine, doesn't leave pink hard water stains in the tub, and doesn't dry out my skin.

Salt and Clay Bath:

This one is easy. I mix a cup of Redmond Bath Salt Plus. in the bathwater and soak for 30+ minutes. It is important to use this in water as warm as you can tolerate it in order to open up your pores and sweat. The site I linked to has sold these on a sale of $10 in the past - very cheap! This container lasts for most of a year.

This is great stuff - the best bath salts I've ever used! It's unrefined salt and clay collected from a dead sea. The heat from the bath opens up your pores and helps you sweat, and the salt collects toxins from your body. The clay and salt are loaded with trace minerals that absorb into your body through your skin. The mineral of note is magnesium, which strengths your bones, calms your muscles, and reduces inflammation. This is my favorite bath for when my muscles are overly tense (to the degree that massage doesn't help enough.)

Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar Bath:

This one is also very easy, but the smell can bother some people. Just pour 2-3 cups of raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in the tub and soak for 20+ minutes. It does not matter what temperature the water is at, but I prefer a nice hot bath. It's very important that it's raw, organic, and unfiltered. The cheap filtered kind was filtered, meaning it has no nutrition left. It is just a flavor. You need the nutrients in the vinegar for this bath to be effective.

I use Bragg's, and buy it in a gallon. I used to be able to buy this for $20, but the price has increased. A cheaper alternative would be to buy the smaller bottles at this discounted price on this discount site.

Apple cider vinegar balances the ph of your skin perfectly. It moisturizes, softens, cleans, kills germs and bad bacteria, heals acne and scars, and feeds your skin necessary nutrients. It is a great hair cleaner and conditioner too! If you don't mind the smell (which will fade soon after the bath,) soak your hair in the water too. Don't rinse! Pat your hair dry with a towel and let it air dry. It strips excess oil from your hair, but doesn't remove the essential oils that keep your hair strong. It makes your hair shine and look much healthier because it provides a lot of nutrients!

Kelp Bath:

Kelp baths are just plain awesome. I add a half cup of organic kelp powder to very hot bathwater and soak for 40+ minutes. This works well, but I've found that I prefer this bath when I add a 1/8th a cup of ginger and cayenne powder. You need to be hot to get the full benefit from the kelp, and the ginger and cayenne create heat. Test the spices on your skin first - they can burn you if they are too strong. You may prefer to just use ginger powder, which is less likely to burn your skin.

If you live along the ocean, the best way to take a kelp bath is to actually go to the beach, find kelp, and bring it home with you. Cut it up and soak with it in the tub. The gels and ooze in the kelp are loaded with essential nutrients, including iodine. The kelp can be reused a couple of times. Though I used to live right along the ocean, I have never tried this method, but it has been recommended to me.

This article explains the benefits in great detail. Kelp is highly concentrated with minerals and nutrients that we need. It's not only soothing and moisturizing, but the salt in the kelp absorbs toxins and our skin drinks in the nutrients, notably potassium and iodine. This is a fantastic bath for sore, aching muscles.

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath:

This is essentially an oxygen bath. Use no more than 3/4ths cup of food grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide or 9 cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide (the common kind in the brown bottles) in warm to hot water. Add a 1/4th a cup (or more) bath salts. Soak for 20+ minutes.

Please please please be careful with hydrogen peroxide. Food grade hydrogen peroxide can burn you skin, bleach your clothes, and lighten your hair color. Do get get it in your eyes! When mixed with the bathwater it's diluted enough so that you'll be able to enjoy the benefits without the harm.

Hydrogen peroxide is powerful stuff. It doesn't absorb toxins from your like salts do, it kills toxins (trying using it on mold and mildew!) It will strip the residue of soap and lotions off your skin. It will kill infections and clean cuts and wounds. It will help bring a lot of oxygen into your skin, which will reduce inflammation and increase circulation.

My favorite mixed bath:
Add 1/2 cup of Redmond Bath Salts plus (or 3/4ths cup regular Epsom salt,) 1/2 cup kelp powder, 1/8th cup ginger powder (fresh grated ginger works best,) and 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar. Rinse off after this bath, especially if you soak your hair. None of the benefits will be as strong as the individual baths, but I find that this bath is very relaxing. It works the fastest for bringing relief to my tense muscles and for reducing general anxiety. This bath makes me sleepy, in a peaceful relaxed way. Soak for 30+ minutes.

During and After the Bath:Stay hydrated!! I recommend drinking ginger lemon tea. It will aid with the detoxing by keeping you warm and cleaning toxins from you from the inside out. Ginger calms the stomach, aids digestion, and helps to "get things moving" in the gut.

Avoid sugar, alcohol, and dairy. They all cause inflammation and make your body acidic, which will undo some of the benefits from the bath.

Stretch your muscles. During the bath, sit up and stretch your legs and arms in the water every so often. Rub a cloth against your skin in circular motions towards your heart. This will help to calm your muscles and increase circulation. After the bath, do some full body stretches to help keep your circulation strong, because your circulation can slow down as you cool off. This also prevents your muscles from going cold and stiff again.


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