Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Mushy Mush

I'm pure mush. Scattered unfocused thoughts, body feels and moves like jelly, highly creative dream like state with zero energy or care to apply it to anything, and a stagnated digestive system that doesn't know what it wants. I keep trying to find something to do with myself today, but after about 30 seconds of anything I turn into sludge and feel sleepy. This is PMS - it's more than just mood issues, pain, nerve issues, cravings, and acne.

I don't really like watching much TV alone because it's not interactive enough for me and I get restless, even when I'm overcome with fatigue. I like certain shows or movies when I'm watching with my husband or friends, but it's never a first choice when I'm alone. But watching Carmen Sandiego (new Netflix series) has been the only thing I've been able to enjoy today.

I don't really feel like talking to people, playing my game, sleeping, cleaning, cuddling with my pet birds, reading, working on my Spanish skills with Duolingo, sewing, drawing, listening to music... I'm just existing and being useless.

If I was forced to overcome this and go to work at a job how would I do? Well, it would require caffeine, licorice root, more adrenal complex, eating properly, and a whole lot of motivation. There's no way I'd perform well and I'd just prevent recovery by pushing myself. I'm overspent from pushing myself too hard yesterday to perform well at work. There is a point where my body will simply refuse to function well despite what I take to help it. I'd end up spacing out, forgetting things, stuttering and slurring my speech, dropping things, and finding myself unable to find mental energy problem solve.

Mush. Just pure mushy mush with stabbing pain thrown in here and here, even though occasional nerve ache in my leg.

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