Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Music For a Difficult Healing Experience

At the moment, I'm feeling really spacey, low, dreamy, over tired... my blood pressure is 97/55, and I'm feeling that it's hard to move. So I'm in a mood. Sometimes my favorite thing to do in this "mood" is listen to validating music while laying back and letting my mind wander to it. I thought I'd share some songs I find the most validating for me.

(Sorry about the formatting - again. Blogger really doesn't allow me to control these things.)

Muse - Explorers

One of my favorite songs, ever. It's a dark lullaby written for his newborn son, but it really resonates with me when thinking about all the rules I have to follow to keep my body healthy enough to function somewhat normally. I'm stuck in my house because the public makes me sick with their chemicals. I'm struggling to buy fresh organic foods where I live because we get whatever is left on the shipments to all the stores in our area. And so forth.

"Free me, I'll free you. Free us from this world! We don't belong here, it was a mistake imprisoning our souls. Can you free me? Free me from this world? Running around in circles feeling caged by endless rules. Can you free me? Free me from this world."

Matchbox Twenty - Unwell
Who doesn't resonate with this song every now and then? Rob Thomas isn't always a lyrical master (such as "Push", lol!), but when he gets actually gets a song right, he nails the message beautifully. This song always rings true, no matter how many years go by since it was released.

"I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell, I know right now you can't tell, but stay a while and maybe then you'll see a different side of me. I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired. I know right now you don't care, but soon enough you're gonna think of me, and how I used to be: Me."

Jars of Clay - Work
This song is hard to listen to because of the anxious pounding beat, but lyrically it's spot-on.

"Just in case, I will leave my things packed, so I can run away. I cannot trust these voices. I don't have a line of prospects that can give some kind of peace. There is nothing left to cling to that can bring me sweet release. I have no fear of drowning, It's the breathing that's taking all this work."

Emiliana Torrini - Tuna Fish
"Did you know that tuna fish float up to the surface? Belly to the moonlight just to cool down their heart down. 'Cause it helps them just to think about the hurtful things. I guess it's just one way to get them some sedation."

Emiliana Torrini - Birds
I think Emiliana and I are kindered spirits, because she writes gorgeous songs about being tired while observing people and animals and wondering how they work. I have to assume she's a low energy, people-watching, creation-admiring person like me to write so many songs of this nature.
"Lend me yours wings and teach me how to fly. Show me when it rains, the place you go to hide."

Muse - Map of the Problematique
This song often pops into my head when I'm feeling hopelessly angry about feeling sick with a reaction from someone's perfume or heavy scents in a store, or especially after opening a new book with the thick ink smell. I'm angry about getting poisoned so easily, and others refuse to change to be less toxic.

"Life will flash before my eyes, So scattered and lost, I want to touch the other side. And no one thinks they are to blame. Why can't we see that when we bleed we bleed the same?"

U2 - Acrobat
And this is what I think of when I need to feel some hope.

"When I first met you girl, you had fire in your soul. What happened t'your face of melting snow? Now it looks like this! And you can swallow or you can spit. You can throw it up, or choke on it. And you can dream, so dream out loud. You know that your time is coming round. So don't let the bastards grind you down."

The Beach Boys (Brian Wilson) - Hang on To Your Ego
This is the original version of the song that Brian Wilson wrote, and the alternative version "I know there's an answer" was released on Pet Sounds because the Beach Boys didn't like Brian's lyrics. I think Brian's original lyrics are brilliant.
This is the ultimate "validation" song.

I know so many people who think they can do it alone. They isolate their heads and stay in their saftey zones. Now what can you tell them?And what can you say that won't make them defensive? Hang on to your ego! Hang on, but I know that you're gonna lose the fight."

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